P - fixed mindset도 나름의 존재 이유가 있고, 서로 다른 영역에 위치하며 growth mindset과 양립 가능하다
Created: 2022-02-24
It is important to understand that a fixed mindset is not easy to kick. It has likely become an emotional crutch over the years: it protects us from failure, creates recognition in the eyes of our parents and partners, and boosts our self-confidence. It comforts us time and again, so getting rid of it can be extremely discomforting.
In truth, it is not necessary to give up a fixed mindset altogether. As long as we adopt the growth perspective in certain situations, it’s usually enough: even if a person believes he is a lost cause when it comes to sports, he could still be making leaps and bounds at work every day
- [[ Mindset: The New Psychology of Success ]] chapter 7 from Blinkist
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