P 우울을 완화하는 언어학습, 행동활성화 관점에서

Created: 2023-02-09

Language learning can be a beneficial hobby for individuals struggling with depression as it aligns with the concept of behavioral activation in cognitive-behavioral therapy. It provides a sense of accomplishment, engages the mind, promotes social connections, and can improve physical activity, all of which can help to improve mood and reduce symptoms of depression. Engaging in enjoyable and fulfilling activities, such as language learning, is a key component of treating depression and promoting overall well-being.


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  • [[ P - 사업의 타깃을 구체적으로 그려라#^c528a1 ]]
    • 경미한 정서적 어려움이 있는 사람을 대상으로 언어학습이나 글쓰기를 통한 습관 코칭
  • Creativity and Leisure During COVID-19: Examining the Relationship Between Leisure Activities, Motivations, and Psychological Well-Being
    • 전반적 웰빙 증가: In summary, increased time on sports and outdoor pursuits predicted the highest well-being outcomes, but increased time on creative activities such as niche and IT interests, reading, writing and languages, home crafts and artisanship, and active musical engagement also predicted significantly higher well-being.
      • Goal Progress and Happiness, Psychology Today
        • 웰빙 증가의 메커니즘: Progress on our goals leads to more positive emotions and more satisfaction with life. It increases our well-being. In turn, positive emotions contribute to our motivation to act. This is a win-win situation if we can “just get started.”
  • Can Language Learning Help Mental Health?, Lingoda
    • 우울 완화: There is even anecdotal evidence that learning a language can help in mild cases of depression. Learning makes you focus, it gives you a task with manageable goals, and it often allows you to expand your social circle. All of these things are important ways to combat depression.
  • How Learning a New Language Improves Your Mental Health — Acanela Expeditions
    • 마음챙김을 통한 불안 완화: However, reading the same passage in a foreign tongue forces you to concentrate all your energies on the task at hand. You take your thoughts off your worries and direct them toward positive activity.
    • 상대의 말을 제대로 이해했는지 묻게 만듦으로써 공감 능력 강화: Likewise, many relationships fall apart over misunderstandings. Learning a new language can affect your brain, making you more open-minded toward opposing viewpoints. The few extra seconds you take to ask yourself, “Am I interpreting what they say the right way,” can diffuse situations that could otherwise turn testy.
    • 이해 안 됐던 내용이 어느 순간 이해되는 유레카 모멘트 통해 효능감 증가: Language learning affects your brain, leading to more “Eureka” moments. The confidence you gain when the lightbulb goes on reinforces your belief that you have the power to conquer tough challenges.

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