P - 최선을 다하되 아주 많이 실패할 가능성도 있음을 늘 인지한다
Created: 2022-07-04
Speaker 1
So if you are a perfectionist, how do you break free from the rumination while still striving to do your best?
Speaker 2
There are some very real pressures that we feel that create a sense that we must conceal our failure. Because whenever we push ourselves out there, society can often stamp us down(stamp down: to put down by force or authority). We need to slow down, and we need to accept that we're going to fail, and we're going to fail many, many times.
- Episode title:: [[ Breaking Up with Perfectionism | WorkLife with Adam Grant ]]
- Show:: [[ No Stupid Questions ]]
- Episode link:: click here
- Episode publish date:: 2022-06-04
- 덧붙여 성공이 중요한 게 아니라 실패에 어떻게 대처하는지가 중요.
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