P 동일시 동기(identified motivation)가 가치 있게 여기는 일의 지속을 가능케 함

Created: 2023-01-10

✨ Key takeaways

  1. When intrinsic motivation wanes, it can be replaced by identified motivation.
  2. This is a positive motivator because it is based on values that are important to the person.
  • 📚 Transcript

    Speaker 2

    You’ve studied the motivations of people who successfully complete the trail in a single spring summer season. What do you find happens to their intrinsic motivation as the trail unfolds?

    Speaker 1

    Yeah, this was out really interesting data. The most dramatic thing that happened was that their intrinsic motivation to do the hike plummeted over the course of the summer. It no longer seems so interesting and challenging and fun at the end. Instead, it was much more of a slog for most people who were able to go that far.

    Speaker 2

    You found that when intrinsic motivation wanes in this way, it can actually be replaced by something else. A different reason for pushing forward, but one that is still positive. It’s called identified motivation. What is this Ken?

    Speaker 1

    Yeah, identified motivation is the kind where it's not that you're doing it because it's fun and interesting. Instead, it's you're doing it because it's meaningful. It expresses your values and it's important to you.



  • 내재적 동기에서 동일시 동기(identified motivation)으로 간다는 것은 그 일이 고되도 나의 가치에 부합하기 때문에 의미있는 일이라 여기며 계속 해나간다는 것. pacific trail 성공한 사람들이 경험한 것이 이런 동기 변화.


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