P 지금 할 수 있는 구체적인 대처 방법을 실행하는 신호로서 걱정을 활용

Created: 2022-11-07

Speaker 2

And in some ways, your experience is demonstrating, I think, the importance of making a plan when we're dealing with anxiety, not just simply thinking about it, worrying about it, but actually coming up with concrete, positive things that we can do.

Speaker 1

That’s right. And that’s really how we leverage anxiety, because if anxiety is information and preparation, we need to then put that preparation into action.

Once you’ve either taken an action or maybe figured out there's not that much action you can take, we can in those moments do something that can allow us to be back in the present moment, whether that's taking some deep breaths, try to relax a little bit, or taking a walk, speaking with a therapist, exercising. These are all things that, in this cycle of anxiety, and this learning how to ride the wave of anxiety, these are skills that we can build, even when we’re struggling with very strong or debilitating anxiety.



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