P - 마음챙김 훈련은 마음을 위한 푸시업

Created: 2022-09-14

Mindfulness training gave our soldiers push-ups for the mind.

We had right in front of us living, breathing proof that mindfulness training created a kind of “mental armor” that could effectively protect individuals’ attentional resources, even in the most high-stress scenarios imaginable.


  • [[ Peak Mind ]]


  • “How can we make it work better?” 이 책의 핵심 질문. 어떻게 하면 주의력을 더 효율적으로 활용할 수 있으냐 하는 것.
  • 운동 또한 인지적 기능 향상, 특히 주의조절에 도움이 될 수 있음.
    • 2021년 메타분석 결과: Regular physical exercise training, especially aerobic exercise and mind-body exercise, had positive benefit for improving working memory, cognitive flexibility and inhibitory control of executive function in cognively healthy older adults. - APA PsycNet


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